
DuckSoup Music is a Belgian based agency founded in 2022 by Alex and Nicolas. With a master's degree in concert production and artist management from the IAD, coupled with several experiences in the music industry, they decided to venture into management.

Alex Thomas


As a passionate musician, Alex has explored various musical instruments and genres. After years of rehearsals and hundreds of concerts, he shifted from performing to management, allowing artists to focus on what they do best: music. As a part-time tour manager, Alex is the traveler of the team, expanding the Ducksoup network across Europe.

Nicolas Mohnen


As both a musician and a professional in the music industry, Nico has a comprehensive view of the alternative music business. He holds multiple roles within a music agency, serving as a booking agent and publisher, as well as contributing to pre-production at the Micro Festival and event organization. This allows him to experience various aspects of the industry.

Estelle Lefort


Estelle first joined the agency as an intern as part of her studies. She is now a member of the team, working as a manager and responsible for the agency's communication.

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